Thursday 13 November 2014

How has the internet changed the film experiences for audiences?


How has the internet changed the film experiences for audiences?


''Understanding the film industry and audience activity is vital for film studies'', The internet has also contributed to the revolution of film for the audiences through commercials and different styles of genre being distributed by larger amounts film producing companies. E.g Warner Bros/20th Century fox and other independent film companies distributing with the collaboration of UK and US film distribution methods. Non-theoretical distribution distribution is mainly used in the UK, where scenes in the internet are displayed for the target audience (e.g. School kids). 

Answer: How has thew internet changed the film experiences for audiences

The internet has changed the experiences for different types of target audiences in many ways. One way in which it has done this is through non-theoretical film distribution. Its basic knowledge that the anyone on the internet who is being portrayed that they've put in their search engine want their content for free. Primarily, non-theoretical film distribution is used for a group of people, in London, it can be used for a purpose which is to educate children through the content displayed by the internet. The internet also has changed film experiences through audience's by helping them to stream whatever they choose in the comfort of their own home. The film industry world is so modernized that there are different techniques used to distribute all kinds of films, millions of film can either be purchased on webpages to view on your phone (which is done by apps) or it can be downloaded and payed for,with some sort of membership. 

Another way in which the internet changed the film experiences for audiences is through the availability of the content. In other words, apps which can be downloaded or webpages which stream the films that viewers are looking for, webpages (usually which stream the films for free) or apps that help to download the films that they want whether you have to pay or not are two of the most main-stream and broad interceptions of the media and film industry which dramatically change how the viewers can access film and has a immense impact on film producers, in this case a negative impact and the whole idea of 'films on the internet' is changing with the revolutionary world where technology is advancing as rapidly as the amount of human's on this planet. Human interception has a massive correlation between whether people would want to stream their films on their technical devices or watch it the good ol'way in the cinema. Many people would rather take advantage of these new way that stream films and watch in the comfort of their own home. Apps which can be obtained from the internet is a efficient way to portray films. Especially with technology revolutionizing just as much as technology nowadays, mobile phones have the simplicity to stream their content to people who want to watch films in the comfort of their own home. This isn't only done through mobile phones but have at least since the 90's been done through computers and laptop. Illegal webpages which stream content for free is a big issue in the world of film, not to mention that other webpages also stream all sort of films for free, however, for some you have to pay which is also a way in which people get what they want. Bringing you back to one of the main points, people want their content for free.  The internet is general is a massive system it has webpages from you tube to BBC i-player. So nowadays the economic stability of film's being produced is failing or has at least plummeted in the last 2-3 decades.

A third way in which the internet has changed the way we access film is reinforcing the point that viewers want their content for free. Downloads and apps being installed, web pages portraying the same content is having a pessimistic downturn on the economic develop of the film industry and may have a negative impact on people who want the thrill of viewing films in the cinema, depending on if its a pleasure to them or if they would rather prefer watching it in the cinema. Also, home video distribution is a strong factor to consider. People can purchase DVD players and  Cassets through the internet, people can buy blue-ray films from the internet and, again watch it at home in their own comfort rather than watching it in the cinema.

Lastly, people would always want to view their content for free, and will take measures to do so, unless they are in a situation where they are forced to pay or if they'd rather watch it at home in good quality which they don't mind paying for. The economy of the country and collaboration to make that film will depend on whether its in the US or UK but pounds(£) is a stronger currency than dollars ($). However the idea of film in itself and micro and macro analysis of what is contained in the content also determine how much the the final cost of the film is. The economic income of the film depends on what currency the country is using and how popular the film itself actually is.  All of the changing economic activity has changed the internet and how people from all around the world have new film experiences. For example, downloading apps and paying for films to watch a film in the comfort of your own home has diverse economic effect on film distributing industries who are releasing new films and this change is giving the audiences more and more options making them feel privileged. This also, from personal experiences makes me feel good since I have more than one way to view film and has a positive effect on me. However, no matter how many sector of viewing films or other content related to it will change the thrill/excitement of watching it in the cinema so it the effects on the audiences can differentiate. Money nowadays has a immense impact because it can restrict and retain the type of of way people can view films especially in our revolutionary developing world today. For example, if someone who has a secure broad band at home can go on pirated webpages and stream their content for free, where as people who have a lot of money or wouldn't mind spending money would just rather make the trip to the cinema. This can also change the view the audiences experience through time. If a person doesn't have time to travel to the cinema or there isn't a local cinema or a cinema anywhere in their area then they are forced to watch films at home which is another plus sign for lazy streamers, however its disappointing for the people who want the thrill of watching films in the cinema and it also has a pessimistic effect on the filming industries who bring in less money from the 'customer consumers' and has a negative downturn on the income they get. 

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